22 September 2005

- Kyrie eleison -

Kyrie eleison—Lord, have mercy.

Well, here we go again. Roughly 24 hours to get who knows how many people off of jammed highways or they'll be facing torrential downpours and hurricane force winds in cars. And now they are saying that the storm may well stall soon after land fall.

This is not good. This is not good at all.

Kyrie eleison—Lord, have mercy.

I just see all those people in cars, especially all those kids, and I'm so fearful. I hope to G-d that I'm wrong, but with the number of cars that have already run out of gas clogging up the highways and not even close to enough gasoline, I just don't see any way that we won't have another huge disaster on our hands. Ironically, in this case, it seems that it would have been much better for everyone if more people had chosen to ignore the evacuation order. Seems like we just can't win for trying...

Still, I have to wonder: Is this what disaster planning is like all over the country?

This is not good. This is not good at all.

Kyrie eleison—Lord, have mercy.